2016年12月3日 星期六


(2016年台灣內科醫學會年會 口頭論文獎)

Yu-An Chen, Yen-Nien Lin, Shih-Sheng Chang, Ming-Fong Chen, Kuan-Cheng Chang

Presentation with a shockable rhythm (ventricular tachycardia / fibrillation, VT/VF) is associated with the best survival in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), but there is significant regional variation in presentation and outcomes. We sought to identify the incidence and pre-hospital predictors of VT/VF as the initial arrhythmia in OHCA patients in central Taiwan.

The THUNDER program encompasses the Taichung metropolitan area in central Taiwan with a population size of 2.7 million and 17 destination hospitals for OHCA patients. We performed a detailed analysis of demographics, circumstances of cardiac arrest and emergency medical service records using the Utstein style.

From May 1, 2013 to April 30, 2014, resuscitation was attempted in 2013 OHCA cases of which 384 cases were excluded due to trauma and non-cardiac etiologies. Of the 1629 patients with presumed cardiogenic OHCA, 7.9% had initial shockable rhythm. The proportion of shockable rhythm increased to 18.8% in witnessed arrest subgroup. Male gender (OR 2.45, 95% [CI] 1.46-4.12, P = 0.0007), age < 65 years (OR 2.39, 95% [CI] 1.58-3.62, P < 0.0001), public location of arrests (OR 4.61, 95% [CI] 2.86-7.44, P < 0.0001), and witnessed status (OR 3.98, 95% [CI] 2.62-6.05, P < 0.0001) were independent predictors of VT/VF rhythm.

Compared to the US and Western Europe, the proportion of OHCA patients presenting with VT/VF was lower in this East Asian population. Among the pre-hospital factors associated with VT/VF, public location of OHCA was the strongest predictor of VT/VF in this population, which may impact planning and deployment of emergency medical services in central Taiwan.

2016年7月10日 星期日


(刊登於 2016年台灣家庭醫學醫學會 學術研討會)

作者: 陳郁安, 許琬鑫, 許維邦 (平等澄清醫院)



有效回收問卷前測81後測71。年齡皆座落於16~25之間。其中高達93.8%的男大生課前已有接觸過急救相關課程,而且大多是在高中階段 (高中65.8%國中30.3%大學3.9%)。經由統計Student’s t-test, 2 tails算出整體前測與後測有顯著上的差異(p < 0.05)亦即整體而言後測成績高於前測。另外,課後有52(73%)表示願意應用所學救助他人;2(3%)不願意17(24%)表示不確定
